This past open enrollment, we had a customer leave Jellyvision for a newer, “flashier” option. We’ve been around for more than a decade, so while this is always a bummer, we know that it happens. New software pops up, venture capitalists back the latest shiny startups, and new technology attempts to recreate our tried and true benefits engagement wheel. 🤔 (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?)
What makes this particular instance noteworthy is that the day before their open enrollment started, the customer reached out to us with a frantic, “HELP! We need you back, and we need you ASAP.” Our competitor’s benefits engagement solution couldn’t hold up. The implementation was a total nightmare for the broker and the HR Team. Nothing was as promised: implementation was wonky, the online experience would time out, the recommendations weren’t clear —and worse, the benefits team wasn’t sure the recommendations were even accurate.
So we did what we do best: got to work. Our support team pulled off a record turnaround and got ALEX back up and running for our customer’s open enrollment.
The benefit of experience
As the leading benefits engagement platform, we have the advantage of experience. We’ve been around the block. We don’t hold grudges. We’ll always welcome our customers back with open arms.
Our top priority is helping companies and their employees drive greater awareness, understanding, and interaction with their benefits.
But this situation—and it wasn’t the first time—reminded us that it might be a good time to explain how and why we stand apart from competitors.
The ALEX advantage: How we stack up to Jellyvision competitors
We believe in the power of positivity here at Jellyvision. So let’s start with the good news, and go over what sets ALEX apart from other benefits solutions.
Age over beauty
We don’t often brag, but we’re the original company in the biz. That means we’ve got more than a decade of user experience, along with dedicated analysts, to leverage millions of data points—from real people! This helps us truly understand employee behavior, identify common benefits pitfalls, and drive users towards smarter benefits decisions. Plus, we talk to our customers, users, and brokers constantly—we poll, we survey, we adapt if needed.
It’s easy for organizations and HR teams to get caught up in the latest and greatest software solutions. But our returning customers confirm that our decade of experience in the benefits space gets you expertise that Jellyvision competitors just don’t have.
Engaging journeys
Benefits education via walls of text is not helpful to anyone. Studies over the past 25 years have shown again and again and again that users scan text, but need visuals to better understand new concepts. ALEX uses interactive audio and animation to help employees grasp their benefits options. Jellyvision competitors are still very text-heavy in their user journeys.

Moreover, ALEX is the only benefits engagement tool that uses behavioral science—the right way!—to anticipate common roadblocks or points of confusion. This drives employees towards smarter choices year-round. Plus, talking to ALEX is like chatting with a very smart buddy (who happens to love puns and corny jokes 😉 ).
🚫 Too many questions ❓
We know that you need to ask employees a certain set of questions to help provide the best benefits guidance. But there’s a fine line between asking the right questions, and too many queries. We’ve heard multiple times that our competitors’ “interview” process is too long, with lots of preliminary questions. Yawn! That’s the quickest way to lose employee interest.
Our customers and internal data has continually stressed the importance of a faster experience for users. As such, Benefits Counselor only poses the necessary amount of questions needed to provide accurate recommendations.
What’s more, employees that want a more abbreviated experience can use ALEX Go, a mobile-first solution that provides quick answers and information.
Robust education
Enrolling in the right benefits is all well and good, but what about actually using them and truly understanding them? An HSA won’t help an employee if they don’t invest their funds, and retirement benefits don’t help anyone if employees aren’t saving the right amount each year.
That’s why ongoing education is a huge component of ALEX. We want your people to choose the right benefit options, but also get why they’re right. On top of that, we help folks actually use them in practice, not just in theory (and not just at open enrollment). With solutions like ALEX Connect, employees can access easy-to-understand benefits guidance via an app on their smartphone, any time of year.
Our Jellyvision competitors, instead, rely on once-a-year guidance that’s easy to forget.
No bad news!
We started with the good news, and that’s actually all we have—no bad news here! (Sorry for the bait and switch). ALEX helps our customers in ways that other platforms simply can’t. And of course, we don’t want you to learn that lesson the hard way by leaving to try a different tool, but we’ll always welcome you back if you do!
If you’re new here, we’re also happy to show you around to better understand why ALEX is unique in the benefits engagement landscape. No one else can compare!