The Open Enrollment Communication Templates Your Clients Want

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Open enrollment season is here once again. It’s a benefits consultant’s favorite time of year, and it’s an especially important time to help your clients drive smarter health and financial decisions with their workforces.

And because your brokerage is probably already swamped thanks to rising healthcare costs, ever-changing healthcare regulations, and more, you probably don’t have much time to think about providing a personalized open enrollment experience for employees that spans from new hires to pre-retirement.

That said, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Whether you’re helping a client with an employee who’s enrolling in benefits for the first time or looking into Medicare options, we’ve put together a complete package of ready-made open enrollment communication templates they can use to promote their benefits offerings this year. Just download, fill in the blanks, and share!

In this packet, you’ll find sample open enrollment communications like:

  • An open enrollment email campaign
  • Postcard templates to send to employees at home
  • An open enrollment announcement flyer to hand out
  • Sample intranet ads to post online
  • Fill-in-the-blank posters to hang at the office

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